The Open Open-Gangway Gang

The Open Open-Gangway Gang

Last week, the MTA expanded its rollout of the new open-gangway train, known as the R211T, to the G line. (There are only three of these experimental trains in service; until last week there were two, exclusively running on the C line.) If you’re a railfan or just want to experience a fancy new train,…

B Sides & Rarities

B Sides & Rarities

I like a good backstory. No — I mean, I really like a good backstory. Just check my lonely little corner of the alignment chart I filled out with my students last week: I also have felt more dissociated than usual lately, in the lead-up to my 40th birthday (which is probably why I celebrated…

Track o’ Lantern

Track o’ Lantern

Happy Halloween! I turned an old CRT into a fun stoop accoutrement to amuse our trick-or-treaters. It features a 3D animation of a jack o’ lantern that follows your head motions and facial expressions, much like an animoji. It also plays spooky Halloween classics via a little speaker hidden inside. Track o’ Lantern lives inside…

The Last Waltz

The Last Waltz

I learned long ago that my capacity for nostalgia extends well beyond the limits of my own lived experiences. I have records originally owned by my dad’s ex-girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend. I have love letters written neither to me or by me. I have fliers my friend plastered around our college campus twenty years ago. I spent…

Bit-banging a BASIC Birthday

Bit-banging a BASIC Birthday

I spent this summer building a new app, for a machine that hasn’t been on the market since 1980 and wasn’t built to support graphics, sound, connectivity or even lowercase letters, sold by a company that went bankrupt a decade ago, tailor-made for an audience of one: my dad, who celebrated his 70th birthday this…

Six Degrees of Syncopation

Six Degrees of Syncopation

I made a Spotify remote that tweaks song recommendations across six axes, based on Spotify’s audio features: danceability, energy, acousticness, duration, valence and popularity. It uses the Spacetec Spaceball 2003, an incredible six-degrees-of-freedom CAD mouse from circa 1991. The Spaceball’s freedom of motion allows each axis of motion to tweak your music recommendations, while the…

Theory vs Praxis

Theory vs Praxis

Almost two months ago, I shared my generative daily planner project, a little executive assistant built into a vintage electric typewriter. Shortly after, a friend reached out with a special request: could he commission one of these as a gift for his boss, whose grandfather used to work at Underwood (a powerhouse typewriter manufacturer of…

Generative Daily Planner

Generative Daily Planner

I have a new executive assistant. He updates me on the most important emails in my inbox, my loved ones’ upcoming birthdays, calendar events, holidays, package tracking updates and more. His name is Mr. McGillicuddy, and he lives inside my typewriter. Mr. McGillicuddy is a deceptively simple concept that took me a comically long time…