

William Gibson knows it. “Good interface design is as transparent as possible, because I don’t want to have to think about it. I just want to write, or do whatever else I’m doing, and not have to think about whatever I’m doing it on.” —William Gibson, describing his gadget choices on The Setup. Dieter Rams knows…

A Visit To Terminal 5

A Visit To Terminal 5

This weekend was the 9th annual Open House New York, where scores of unusual sites across the city which are typically off-limits to the public throw their doors open for curious and nosy architecture fans who are too mild-mannered for trespassing. So my sister and I took a trip out to JFK to check out…

Being There

Being There

I am squinting into my SE/30, trying to perfect my HyperCard stack. I am excelling at Brøderbund’s aptly-named “Type!” program even though I can’t master the home row. It is December 17, 1995, and I am gleefully reporting back to my diary (in Word 5.1, of course) that I’ve finally received an AppleDesign Keyboard and…